My Special Event – All our News and Blogs
Read all of My Special Event’s latest news and blogs. From events, we have organised advertisements in the local paper.
My Special Event will report on interesting things we have come across we felt you should know about.
Accessing our news feature
Please use the
The most recent blog will be at the top of the drop-down menu and the older blogs will be further down, therefore you may have to scroll down to find the blog you need.
My Special Event will aim to post regular blogs and updates on all their latest news and all the latest events which we feel you should know about.
Why do we feel it is important to keep you updated on our latest news?
At My Special Event, we believe in the importance of keeping our customers/clients up to date. We will keep you informed on any new developments and events we may have in the pipeline. My Special Event promises do their best to update you on a regular basis.
As well as informing our clients of our latest news on our website we may send you the occasional newsletter.
Newsletters will be sent with the client’s permission and via Mailchimp. ** During an event, clients will be encouraged to fill in a Feedback form and will be asked to give permission as to whether or not they would like to be emailed with new updates and news. In accordance with GDPR rules and regulations, clients and suppliers have to give permission to be contacted via email and have their email addresses used in correspondence or passed on to relevant suppliers.
Look out for our latest Events in the Bognor Post, Observer or the local radio stations including Spirit FM and SAM FM.
At My Special Event, we believe it is important to give our clients the opportunity to opt out of this. If you do not wish to receive our newsletter but have given us your contact details please contact us to discuss options.
How Often Does My Special Event Publish Blogs and News?
Zoe Pniewski, Owner of My Special Event tries to publish new News and Blogs as often as possible, at least once a month or if there is an event approaching more frequently. Giving Zoe plenty of notice about something you would like to be published if you are involved in her events is the best thing to do as some blogs can take a whole day to write depending on the content.
Blogs are important ways to keep people informed of what is happening so plenty of information is vital and some publicity photos or logos that Zoe can use with your permission.
If I am writing a blog about an outside company then she will ask permission from them to use photos and logos.
Other photos used on the blogs and other pages are taken from www.pixabay.com There is a wide range of FREE-to-use photos and illustrations on this website for bloggers and website users to us and it’s FREE to register too!
How to get in touch with your news?
If you have something interesting to report and would like to contact My Special Event.
Telephone: 07587158999 / 01243 829592
Email info@myspecialevent.co.uk
or alternatively visit www.myspecialeventco.uk and use the contact form.
We will then contact you to discuss your requirements.
Social media:
Facebook – www.facebook.com and search for My Special Event
Instagram – www.instagram.com/zoepniewski and this will take you to My Special Event
Click on the link to access our Social Media and email as well as signing up for our mailing list.